Sunday, July 7, 2013

Recap of Weekly Goals For June 30 - July 6

Good Morning!
My day has started off wonderfully, and I hope yours has too!  I woke up to sun streaming through my window, and nothing can beat that!  My girlfriends had mentioned they were all going to hit the college track this morning for a workout, so I decided to participate in that mindset from home! 
Since it was so nice out I obviously wanted some outside exercise!  I used the 5 K Runner app on my phone and went out to snoop the neighborhood!  It is so crazy quiet up here all the time!  I hardly ever see anyone on my morning jaunts, and am just really hoping that I don't run into a bear at some point.
My walk/run was successful and I am now at home enjoying some Maple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes topped with coconut manna and pure maple syrup, and a Vega Recovery Accelerator drink in Tropical.
My friend is hosting brunch for a group of us, so I must go and make myself presentable! 
Below is a recap of my goals from last week :)

  1. Clean clean clean eating as much as possible - I did decent on this but not full points.  Ate out for dinner one night, had an emergency Amy's pizza, but didn't have junk or fast food!  YAY!
  2. Continue with apple cider vinegar nightly with dinner - I missed a couple of these doses and wish I hadn't.  My stomach definitely feels better when I'm drinking it... Good to know!
  3. Daily exercise; no calorie burn goals for this week, just to be active in some way every day - Finally a YES!  Something active everyday, even if it was just a quick walk.
  4. Be in bed at 9:30 pm ready for sleep on Tues, Wed, and Thurs night... and as early as I can manage for the others- Big fat fail.  But not for lack of trying!  It was just sooo hot.  I figured out the fan/window set up for optimum coolness so by the end of the week things were looking up.
  5. Complete at least two chapters of school work - Not two chapters, but 1.  And I enjoyed every second of time I got to spend with my text books :)
  6. Mail out my thank you cards - Ummm... I'll do it tomorrow?  Why is it such a big deal to stop at the mail box!?
  7. Don't get a sunburn - Woohoo!  Check.  This is usually a huge issue but I've been applying sunscreen daily to avoid any mishaps!
XO - Michelle

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