Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bridal Prep, Being Me, and Stagette Excitement!

Yesterday evening I tried on my wedding dress again to see where I'm at.  I have been having a lot of anxiety over my dress... did I choose the right one, are people going to whisper to each other that it looks horrible, is it going to fit properly... that kind of anxiety!  As soon as it was on I felt awesome!!!  I really love it and I feel amazing in it.  Now that I've seen myself in it and am happy I can let go of one thing that has been stressing me out!

I'm getting so excited for all of the beauty prep and pampering that goes with an upcoming wedding!  I think the two things I'm most excited for are eyelash extensions and a spray tan.  I really love the long lash look but mine tend to look quite short without a lot of mascara, so this reduces primping time and also means I won't have clumpy lashes and runny black cheeks if I tear up.  Spray tanning, well, I just love it.  I'm such a whitey and spray tanning makes me feel pretty wonderful!  It's crazy how slimming it is and I always feel like a better version of myself with one... until it starts to fade.  Then I just look streaky and weird!

It seems like I've been going a period of days every so often where I'm in a really self-judgmental fog.  I don't want people to look at me because all I can feel is my broken out face or my pudgy belly.  It's so disrespectful to myself and when the fog clears it's almost shocking to see a normal person looking at me in the mirror!  I really want to work on having a better self image and not worrying so much about this kind of thing.  I truly believe that aside from a first glance, people see a personality not a face or body.  I don't notice or pick apart people who are kind, funny, or friendly.  As soon as they are rude though, all I notice are their flaws.  I can feel myself shy away from talking to people or attending social events if I'm noticing my not-so-loved bits and so it's going to be a worthwhile challenge to push past this.

On a fantastically positive note, tomorrow Danielle, Kirsten, and I are heading to Banff to meet up with three more girlfriends; Nancy, Ali, and Heather for STAGETTE TIME!  I am so incredibly stoked to have a weekend of fun.  These girls are so great and we make a good team.  The weather is supposed to be beautiful and Danielle has found a hike that I'm really excited for.  We have a great couple of days in store and I can't express how much I'm looking forward to it!

Tonight I am going to get our house nice and clean so I don't have to tidy up when I get home.  Rookie Blue is going to be on and I don't have to work tomorrow (obviously) so I'm the happiest kid around right now!!!

XO - Michelle

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