Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Recipe Find - Sweet Potato Falafel

Happy Friday!!!!!! 

This week has felt quite busy!  I'm trying to make positive things happen in my life which sometimes takes a lot of leg work, I'm really hoping it's worth it!

I've got a basic idea for my goal board that I talked briefly about here and hopefully will have it assembled this weekend, I can't wait to share it with you.

In my world busy tends to mean: tired and achy, on the verge of a cold, and close to tears at all times.  Luckily I have an excellent team (whom I pay with love) to keep me from going over the edge.  My family and my friends are so great to talk to and text with and always have excellent advice, my hippy remedies such as the warming socks treatment tend to keep any sickness at bay if I catch it early enough, and my wonderful husband offers unconditional support and keeps the house running when I feel like it's too much and I can't keep up.

Cody made sure to take me for a walk a couple of times this week and literally a full blown headache was eliminated so simply!  He also followed along with the meal plan I had on the fridge and I was lucky enough to come home to a couple of prepared dinners!  I found a recipe for Sweet Potato Falafel on and thought it sounded like a must try, and let me tell you IT IS.  Really super delicious, and tastes even better when a loved one makes it for you :). 

We topped them with some garlicky hummus and dug in!  Hope you enjoy!!!
Chicken, Sweet Potato Falafel, and Hummus!

XO - Michelle

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