Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Let's Get Physical

Have you ever checked out Fire Daughter Clothing on  Samya has these amazing tanks and shirts with awesome phrases, the Let's Get Physical tank is on my wishlist big time, I'm just waiting for a new colour to come out since my "sweat me free" tank is the same blue.  This clothing is amazingly comfortable and fits really well, great for a workout OR for just wearing every single day!  Must.  Have.  More.


I started the James Wilson Body Earned program on Monday alongside my best pal Danielle.  I am opting to follow more of a "Michelle recommended plan" by doing the program probably 3 days a week as opposed to the 4 and then 5 days per week that most people in the group do.  I won't complete his 12 week program in the outlined 12 weeks, but I feel that this plan will be more conducive to my overall goal of completing the whole program without burning out halfway through.

My heart has not been in weight lifting or circuit training since the spring, but I really want it to be.  In an effort to get back to enjoying this aspect of fitness, my plan is to do James Wilson's program Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, while doing outdoor activities such as biking, walking, hiking, running, or kayaking on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Saturdays and Sundays will be my choice, I can add in an extra James Wilson, get outside, or take a rest day. 

After about a month and a half of little to no workouts, the term "Let's Get Physical" finally goes with my week so far and it feels just great to be back in the game.  As I said above, Monday I did Week 1 Day 1 of James Wilson's Body Earned program.  Tuesday Cody and I debated between kayaking and biking, and ultimately chose to go biking.

Rails to Trails - Source

We left from our house and took the rail trail to Kimberley.  It was a gradual uphill the whole way which we both complained about quite a bit; we haven't been on our bikes much lately and had instant sore butts to prove it.  My friend Sarah gave us a gift certificate to Pedal and Tap as a wedding present so we decided to head there for a late dinner.  We sat out on the patio so we could keep an eye on our beloved bikes and had a delicious dinner!  The Rails to Trails burger seemed fitting so that's what I chose, with no goat cheese; and the Camburger for Cody.  We both really enjoyed our choices, plus the awesome atmosphere that Pedal and Tap is known for.  With the increasingly fall-like weather it was definitely a chilly night to sit out on the patio and I wish I had thought to bring a sweater!  Our ride back was really quick with only one uphill section to get home.  A lovely evening!

I hope to stick with the plan I outlined above and see how my week unfolds and how easy/hard/enjoyable it is to make time for this new activity regime.  I would prefer to keep my activity happenings going on in the evenings as it's been increasingly harder and now pretty much impossible for me to wake up at 5 am to swing weights around.  It is close to hibernation season after all....

XO - Michelle

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