Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One Month Countdown


I am so excited!  And admittedly, stressed!  I finished all of the jar centerpiece projects last night which is fantastic, and now they are stacked in our basement which means I have counter space again!  Great news. 

So as previously mentioned, my wedding workout calendar was a bust after like 4 days.  Shoot!  So instead of being hard on myself, I've decided to adopt an attitude of no big deal.  Instead, I'm aiming for three things every day:  Dips, lunges, and squats.  For some reason, the two parts of me that I would really like to see developed are my triceps and thighs.  Additionally, I like to go for a walk or do some sort of workout.  I'm not a total lazy bum, I just like to decide what I'm going to do right before I'm going to do it!  I've been enjoying walks, workout videos, and plan to get a couple bike rides in.

A workout "tool" that I've really been appreciative of is an app on my phone called Skimble Workout Trainer.  I had the free version for the longest time, and a couple of months ago bought the full version.  It has a variety of workouts and you can choose the length of time, target area, and fitness level that you wish for that day.  It's been my go-to workout lately, so I'm really glad I found it!

Tonight I get to try on my dress with my friends and my ma, so I can't wait to get it on and see how it looks!  I just want it to be tomorrow evening because it means I'm done work for the week, Rookie Blue is on, and I can pack my bag for Banff!

XO - Michelle

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