Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Calming Down & Back in the Kitchen!

Wedding countdown is at 18 freaking days today.  In some ways that feels really short, and in other ways really long.

To say I am feeling pretty amped up would be an understatement.  I stayed up past midnight on Sunday night searching the internet for the *perfect* colour of baker's twine for the s'more kits...  I'm not good with being wired and busy all the time, so I decided I really need to practice a few daily routines to make sure I don't get rundown and wind up sick or sad.

I am going to make damn sure I get to bed and actually get to sleep before 10.  Chamomile tea or a warm almond milk, comfortable temperature room, bedtime routine, deep breathing.  This is SO important!

Next is to make sure I get in some sort of activity every day.  A walk, some stretching, an actual workout, a bike ride.  Something!  A time just for me, to clear my mind.  No thinking of anything except how pretty it is outside or how good the movement is for me.

Another thing I need to do for my sanity is to work on something wedding every day.  That sounds weird and obsessive but if I don't do some small task I think I'll feel like I'm falling behind.  The s'more wedding favors are a huge undertaking so they are something I'm going to chip away at daily, among other things.

Lastly is the obvious, stay hydrated and fed. 

I haven't been taking the time to prep cook but last night I finally cooked up a whole tray of chicken breasts, some sweet potatoes, and some gluten free macaroni.  This takes care of at least a portion of my breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.  I also baked a really delicious snack option, click here for recipe!!  Once I got cooking I felt so happy!!  Love being in the kitchen :) cooking and baking are two things I should not neglect. 

XO - Michelle

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