Wedding countdown is at 18 freaking days today. In some ways that feels really short, and in other ways really long.
To say I am feeling pretty amped up would be an understatement. I stayed up past midnight on Sunday night searching the internet for the *perfect* colour of baker's twine for the s'more kits... I'm not good with being wired and busy all the time, so I decided I really need to practice a few daily routines to make sure I don't get rundown and wind up sick or sad.
I am going to make damn sure I get to bed and actually get to sleep before 10. Chamomile tea or a warm almond milk, comfortable temperature room, bedtime routine, deep breathing. This is SO important!
Next is to make sure I get in some sort of activity every day. A walk, some stretching, an actual workout, a bike ride. Something! A time just for me, to clear my mind. No thinking of anything except how pretty it is outside or how good the movement is for me.
Another thing I need to do for my sanity is to work on something wedding every day. That sounds weird and obsessive but if I don't do some small task I think I'll feel like I'm falling behind. The s'more wedding favors are a huge undertaking so they are something I'm going to chip away at daily, among other things.
Lastly is the obvious, stay hydrated and fed.
I haven't been taking the time to prep cook but last night I finally cooked up a whole tray of chicken breasts, some sweet potatoes, and some gluten free macaroni. This takes care of at least a portion of my breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. I also baked a really delicious snack option, click here for recipe!! Once I got cooking I felt so happy!! Love being in the kitchen :) cooking and baking are two things I should not neglect.
XO - Michelle
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Focusing On My Face
Yep, that's right... I am focusing on my face.
That sounds funny, but let me explain. My face keeps breaking out and it is really starting to drive me nuts! I don't want to have to wear layers of foundation and concealer, I want to be fresh faced! My doctor put me back on tetracycline and it maybe is helping a bit, but what about the next time I go off of it?
My brother and my mom have had great results from cutting out tomatoes, and unfortunately I think that's my next step. While I'm normally up for the challenge of giving something up in the name of health, this one hurts. I don't actually like tomatoes by themselves, but I count on ketchup and salsa to jazz up almost every meal that I eat.
I've decided to make it a 19 day challenge, since that will take us to wedding day!!! For the next 19 days, no tomato products. Sigh... In light of this, I've been trying to think of other condiments that I can use to replace my usual staples. So far I've thought of guacamole, Amazing Dad's Honey Garlic BBQ Sauce, rice vinegar & lime juice, and hummus. These sound like delicious alternatives and I think I can do this!!!
In the spirit of cutting things out, I'm also challenging myself to consume no gluten, dairy, or white sugar. I am excited to see what kind of results I have with this new plan and if all goes well, I'll show you before and after face pics, makeup free.... YIKES!
XO - Michelle
That sounds funny, but let me explain. My face keeps breaking out and it is really starting to drive me nuts! I don't want to have to wear layers of foundation and concealer, I want to be fresh faced! My doctor put me back on tetracycline and it maybe is helping a bit, but what about the next time I go off of it?
My brother and my mom have had great results from cutting out tomatoes, and unfortunately I think that's my next step. While I'm normally up for the challenge of giving something up in the name of health, this one hurts. I don't actually like tomatoes by themselves, but I count on ketchup and salsa to jazz up almost every meal that I eat.
I've decided to make it a 19 day challenge, since that will take us to wedding day!!! For the next 19 days, no tomato products. Sigh... In light of this, I've been trying to think of other condiments that I can use to replace my usual staples. So far I've thought of guacamole, Amazing Dad's Honey Garlic BBQ Sauce, rice vinegar & lime juice, and hummus. These sound like delicious alternatives and I think I can do this!!!
In the spirit of cutting things out, I'm also challenging myself to consume no gluten, dairy, or white sugar. I am excited to see what kind of results I have with this new plan and if all goes well, I'll show you before and after face pics, makeup free.... YIKES!
XO - Michelle
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Banishing the Sniffles
By the title you would think I know how to do this. I do not.
After my super fun weekend in Banff, I came home just a little tired and worn out. I then spent the rest of the week further tiring myself out, so it should have come as no surprise that I now find myself with a cold: pounding headache, a bloated stomach, and some severe sniffles!
I don't really know how to fix this, if I did it would be gone. But I've been taking some action to fight the damn thing. No one wants to look like a pregnant Rudolf at their own wedding!
Cody has been bullying me to bed as early as he can... our room is a sauna in this heat so it hasn't been as early as it should be. More sleep helps in a big way.
I've also been making Traditional Medicinals Echinacea Plus Tea double strength and putting it in the fridge until cold, then adding lemon. An immune boosting iced tea! It's really good! I will be doing this for the rest of the summer with all sorts of different teas!!!
Saturday couldn't have come soon enough and I'm happy to report a slight sleep in this morning. We plan on a little hike before the heatwave, a browse through the farmer's market, and a BBQ dinner.
XO - Michelle
After my super fun weekend in Banff, I came home just a little tired and worn out. I then spent the rest of the week further tiring myself out, so it should have come as no surprise that I now find myself with a cold: pounding headache, a bloated stomach, and some severe sniffles!
I don't really know how to fix this, if I did it would be gone. But I've been taking some action to fight the damn thing. No one wants to look like a pregnant Rudolf at their own wedding!
Cody has been bullying me to bed as early as he can... our room is a sauna in this heat so it hasn't been as early as it should be. More sleep helps in a big way.
I've also been making Traditional Medicinals Echinacea Plus Tea double strength and putting it in the fridge until cold, then adding lemon. An immune boosting iced tea! It's really good! I will be doing this for the rest of the summer with all sorts of different teas!!!
Saturday couldn't have come soon enough and I'm happy to report a slight sleep in this morning. We plan on a little hike before the heatwave, a browse through the farmer's market, and a BBQ dinner.
XO - Michelle
Friday, July 26, 2013
Stagette Recap
Good Morning!!!
Apologies for the break in posts! Life has just been a little crazy and writing out my thoughts unfortunately took a backseat.
First order of business... Let's talk about my stagette!!!
Can I just say it was totally fabulous!? I've always known I'm especially fortunate in having great friends, but a weekend like the one I just had really solidifies it. These girls are so amazing! Danielle planned a weekend that suited me to a T. It had all the elements I had been thinking a cool stagette would have, and she really made that all possible for me.
Highlights of the trip:
Danielle has posted pics on her blog so please check them out by clicking here!!!
I've been smiling all week thinking back to how much fun we had. I think we all miss each other because the group texts have been pretty legendary. The random things that friends talk about...
XO - Michelle
Apologies for the break in posts! Life has just been a little crazy and writing out my thoughts unfortunately took a backseat.
First order of business... Let's talk about my stagette!!!
Can I just say it was totally fabulous!? I've always known I'm especially fortunate in having great friends, but a weekend like the one I just had really solidifies it. These girls are so amazing! Danielle planned a weekend that suited me to a T. It had all the elements I had been thinking a cool stagette would have, and she really made that all possible for me.
Highlights of the trip:
- Heather brought me a texas mickey!!! Don't worry, not much of it got drank, but it was pretty fun to pump vodka out of a huge bottle! It's sitting in a visible place of honor at my house now and I take great pleasure in offering people a drink from it :)
- Wandering the streets of Banff. Seriously the coolest place ever!!!
- Dinner at Bear Street Tavern. Ummm YUM. That is all. I had a seriously amazing caeser and the Chicken Fajitas with no dairy.
- A night of moving and grooving at The Dancing Sasquatch. Such a cool place! There were trees inside, great music, and really awesome dancers that we befriended. I unofficially quit the bar scene a couple years ago, but if we had places like this in Cranbrook I would probably go out more often. Such a great vibe, and everyone was just there to have fun.
- I avoided all possible hangovers!!! Know your limit, stay within it ;)
- Hiking Johnson Canyon and the Ink Pots. It was a little bit of a challenge but in a good way. It made me realize how far I've come from the days of getting lightheaded and queasy from physical effort. The views were absolutely magnificent and I would highly recommend all or part of this hike to anyone. It starts out pretty high traffic, but mostly people are just going to see the falls. If you continue on the the Ink Pots the crowd thins out and the majestic beauty of Banff National Park is all yours!!
- An amazing, clean eating dinner planned by Danielle. She cooked chicken foil packets on the fire for us! I hadn't eaten much after our hike and then in a hungry whirlwind dove in to crackers and hummus, leaving little room for dinner which is possibly my only regret of the trip!
- Breaky at Touloulous. Delicious. I had my favorite caeser of the weekend (order the Cajun Caeser if you go there!) and the Breggfast Sandwich, highly recommend it. They make everything fresh and to order so you can change around anything you need to in case of dietary restrictions. Best.
- Shopping!!! Obviously. Highlights would be finding a pair of Lulu Lemon shorts on sale and sunscreen from Rocky Mountain Soap Company.
Danielle has posted pics on her blog so please check them out by clicking here!!!
I've been smiling all week thinking back to how much fun we had. I think we all miss each other because the group texts have been pretty legendary. The random things that friends talk about...
XO - Michelle
Friday, July 19, 2013
Friday Recipe Find & Off to Banff I Go!!!!
Any packing list that includes hiking boots, sports bras, and sleeping bags is bound to be a winner. Include a wolf pack of your bestest ladies and you've got a grand weekend in the works. Well folks, that's exactly what I've got going on!
I woke up this morning in the best mood ever! A Friday off from work, gorgeous weather, bag packed, texts from friends... aaah yes, hello stagette weekend.
I'm about to hit the road, but let me share with you this weeks edition of Friday Recipe Find. I'm just going to leave you the link, so please go and check this out! Juli from Paleomg is really funny and real. I enjoy her blog oh so much and these breakfast meatballs are delish! I used turkey sausage and bacon in mine, yum!!! And another time I subbed in ground chicken for the sausage. Do what meets your eating style!
Breakfast Bacon and Maple Meatballs from PaleOMG
Trip recap on Monday!!!
XO - Michelle
I woke up this morning in the best mood ever! A Friday off from work, gorgeous weather, bag packed, texts from friends... aaah yes, hello stagette weekend.
I'm about to hit the road, but let me share with you this weeks edition of Friday Recipe Find. I'm just going to leave you the link, so please go and check this out! Juli from Paleomg is really funny and real. I enjoy her blog oh so much and these breakfast meatballs are delish! I used turkey sausage and bacon in mine, yum!!! And another time I subbed in ground chicken for the sausage. Do what meets your eating style!
Breakfast Bacon and Maple Meatballs from PaleOMG
Trip recap on Monday!!!
XO - Michelle
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Bridal Prep, Being Me, and Stagette Excitement!
Yesterday evening I tried on my wedding dress again to see where I'm at. I have been having a lot of anxiety over my dress... did I choose the right one, are people going to whisper to each other that it looks horrible, is it going to fit properly... that kind of anxiety! As soon as it was on I felt awesome!!! I really love it and I feel amazing in it. Now that I've seen myself in it and am happy I can let go of one thing that has been stressing me out!
I'm getting so excited for all of the beauty prep and pampering that goes with an upcoming wedding! I think the two things I'm most excited for are eyelash extensions and a spray tan. I really love the long lash look but mine tend to look quite short without a lot of mascara, so this reduces primping time and also means I won't have clumpy lashes and runny black cheeks if I tear up. Spray tanning, well, I just love it. I'm such a whitey and spray tanning makes me feel pretty wonderful! It's crazy how slimming it is and I always feel like a better version of myself with one... until it starts to fade. Then I just look streaky and weird!
It seems like I've been going a period of days every so often where I'm in a really self-judgmental fog. I don't want people to look at me because all I can feel is my broken out face or my pudgy belly. It's so disrespectful to myself and when the fog clears it's almost shocking to see a normal person looking at me in the mirror! I really want to work on having a better self image and not worrying so much about this kind of thing. I truly believe that aside from a first glance, people see a personality not a face or body. I don't notice or pick apart people who are kind, funny, or friendly. As soon as they are rude though, all I notice are their flaws. I can feel myself shy away from talking to people or attending social events if I'm noticing my not-so-loved bits and so it's going to be a worthwhile challenge to push past this.
On a fantastically positive note, tomorrow Danielle, Kirsten, and I are heading to Banff to meet up with three more girlfriends; Nancy, Ali, and Heather for STAGETTE TIME! I am so incredibly stoked to have a weekend of fun. These girls are so great and we make a good team. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and Danielle has found a hike that I'm really excited for. We have a great couple of days in store and I can't express how much I'm looking forward to it!
Tonight I am going to get our house nice and clean so I don't have to tidy up when I get home. Rookie Blue is going to be on and I don't have to work tomorrow (obviously) so I'm the happiest kid around right now!!!
XO - Michelle
I'm getting so excited for all of the beauty prep and pampering that goes with an upcoming wedding! I think the two things I'm most excited for are eyelash extensions and a spray tan. I really love the long lash look but mine tend to look quite short without a lot of mascara, so this reduces primping time and also means I won't have clumpy lashes and runny black cheeks if I tear up. Spray tanning, well, I just love it. I'm such a whitey and spray tanning makes me feel pretty wonderful! It's crazy how slimming it is and I always feel like a better version of myself with one... until it starts to fade. Then I just look streaky and weird!
It seems like I've been going a period of days every so often where I'm in a really self-judgmental fog. I don't want people to look at me because all I can feel is my broken out face or my pudgy belly. It's so disrespectful to myself and when the fog clears it's almost shocking to see a normal person looking at me in the mirror! I really want to work on having a better self image and not worrying so much about this kind of thing. I truly believe that aside from a first glance, people see a personality not a face or body. I don't notice or pick apart people who are kind, funny, or friendly. As soon as they are rude though, all I notice are their flaws. I can feel myself shy away from talking to people or attending social events if I'm noticing my not-so-loved bits and so it's going to be a worthwhile challenge to push past this.
![]() | |
On a fantastically positive note, tomorrow Danielle, Kirsten, and I are heading to Banff to meet up with three more girlfriends; Nancy, Ali, and Heather for STAGETTE TIME! I am so incredibly stoked to have a weekend of fun. These girls are so great and we make a good team. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and Danielle has found a hike that I'm really excited for. We have a great couple of days in store and I can't express how much I'm looking forward to it!
Tonight I am going to get our house nice and clean so I don't have to tidy up when I get home. Rookie Blue is going to be on and I don't have to work tomorrow (obviously) so I'm the happiest kid around right now!!!
XO - Michelle
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
One Month Countdown
I am so excited! And admittedly, stressed! I finished all of the jar centerpiece projects last night which is fantastic, and now they are stacked in our basement which means I have counter space again! Great news.
So as previously mentioned, my wedding workout calendar was a bust after like 4 days. Shoot! So instead of being hard on myself, I've decided to adopt an attitude of no big deal. Instead, I'm aiming for three things every day: Dips, lunges, and squats. For some reason, the two parts of me that I would really like to see developed are my triceps and thighs. Additionally, I like to go for a walk or do some sort of workout. I'm not a total lazy bum, I just like to decide what I'm going to do right before I'm going to do it! I've been enjoying walks, workout videos, and plan to get a couple bike rides in.
A workout "tool" that I've really been appreciative of is an app on my phone called Skimble Workout Trainer. I had the free version for the longest time, and a couple of months ago bought the full version. It has a variety of workouts and you can choose the length of time, target area, and fitness level that you wish for that day. It's been my go-to workout lately, so I'm really glad I found it!
Tonight I get to try on my dress with my friends and my ma, so I can't wait to get it on and see how it looks! I just want it to be tomorrow evening because it means I'm done work for the week, Rookie Blue is on, and I can pack my bag for Banff!
XO - Michelle
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Stagette Countdown
I am so freaking excited for my stagette!!! My friends and I are 2 1/2 ish days away from a weekend full of fun. We have decided to spend my "last single days" in the Banff National Park, doing some camping, hiking, shopping, and eating in and around the beautiful town of Banff - which happens to be one of my favorite places!!
I am a little worried that my friends are expecting, or even hoping for, a "Hank the Tank" appearance. I do plan on having some drinks, I do not plan on going wild. Those days are over, and I'm hoping my friends aren't disappointed. This would be one of those times that I have trouble with the changes I've made in my life. My friends probably don't really care if I drink or not, we will obviously have fun no matter what... It's all ME, worrying for no reason! Putting unnecessary pressure on myself for no reason! Part of the learning experience.
My list of must do's/haves for Banff:
I am a little worried that my friends are expecting, or even hoping for, a "Hank the Tank" appearance. I do plan on having some drinks, I do not plan on going wild. Those days are over, and I'm hoping my friends aren't disappointed. This would be one of those times that I have trouble with the changes I've made in my life. My friends probably don't really care if I drink or not, we will obviously have fun no matter what... It's all ME, worrying for no reason! Putting unnecessary pressure on myself for no reason! Part of the learning experience.
My list of must do's/haves for Banff:
- Lulu Lemon
- A bag of tea from Banff Tea Co
- Bath Salts from Rocky Mountain Soap Company
- A meal at Bear Street Tavern
- Delicious food and s'mores over the fire
- Ceasers and girly drinks
- Memories and pictures that I can hang on to for the rest of my life!!!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Recap of Weekly Goals for July 7 - 13 & Finding Some Focus
Good Morning!
Well our Calgary weekend was a flurry of activity. From shopping to visiting to wedding attendance to travel it was quite a whirlwind.
I was not in the happiest state of mind when my alarm went off this morning... that is, until I remembered that CODY COMES HOME TODAY!!! I'm so excited to see him, even if it is only for a day. He gets to carry on to Kelowna for his stag this week/weekend. I only am a little sad about our short visit since I know he's going to have such a great time... and since my own stagette is this weekend :) WOOHOO!
- Prepare some snacks for Calgary road trip - I did prepare some snacks! And they helped very much on the way there. Unfortunately I feel the need to admit that my inner fat kid made a bit of an appearance and I enjoyed some delicious, bloat-able food.
- Stick to new workout schedule - No. Oh dear! I rebelled against it instantly. I did get activity in, but not as scheduled and not every day. I did lose some stomach fat but... I think after Calgary it might be back...
- Apple cider vinegar with dinner - I only did this for maaaybe 2 nights. I really really need to get back into this though because I notice a huge, negative difference without it.
- Early to bed!!! - I did decently well with this one!
- Work on wedding tasks for a little bit each day - Yep. Things are rolling with all my little projects :)
- establish a bedtime routine
- reduce stomach bloating
- daily movement
- clean eating
- to feel healthy, fit, and energized so I have fun and don't feel draggy during my stagette!
XO - Michelle
Saturday, July 13, 2013
OEB Breakfast Co.
I must share with you this awesome restaurant find!!!
On a previous trip to Calgary our friends took us to OEB Breakfast Co.
It was so amazing and I can't wait for my next visit there! I was so hungry that I totally forgot to take a picture of my meal until after the fact, darn!!
The food is sourced locally, the eggs are free run from OEB's own chicken flock, the restaurant itself is full of charm, and the service is friendly.
Read the official description of OEB here.
I decided to kick breakfast off with a Tropical Twister smoothie, it had mango, banana, pineapple juice and mango nectar... no milk products, hooray! It was really yummy and not too sweet which was a bonus!
For my meal I chose the Farmer John's Delight Three Egg Scram-blette. It had apple wood smoked bacon lardons, rosemary ham, green onions, and wild mushrooms in it. The dish came with a choice of white, rye, or multigrain fresh baked bread. I chose the multigrain and was really impressed with how large and thick of a slice was provided. There was also a side of herbed potatoes cooked in organic duck fat; they were some of the best potato wedges I have ever eaten!
I was leery to order a scrambled egg dish because it seems that most restaurants use milk in their scramble. Upon asking, our server informed me that they could make the scramble milk-free; how awesome is that!? She didn't act like it was an odd request at all and I appreciated her knowledge!!
Although we had a long wait to actually get in for breaky, we were all super impressed at how fast our food came to the table. The restaurant was full and bustling but our server still took time to stop and chat with us, make us feel welcome, and never appeared rushed.
Check our OEB's menu here, and I highly suggest you give it a try!
XO - Michelle
On a previous trip to Calgary our friends took us to OEB Breakfast Co.
It was so amazing and I can't wait for my next visit there! I was so hungry that I totally forgot to take a picture of my meal until after the fact, darn!!
The food is sourced locally, the eggs are free run from OEB's own chicken flock, the restaurant itself is full of charm, and the service is friendly.
Read the official description of OEB here.
I decided to kick breakfast off with a Tropical Twister smoothie, it had mango, banana, pineapple juice and mango nectar... no milk products, hooray! It was really yummy and not too sweet which was a bonus!
For my meal I chose the Farmer John's Delight Three Egg Scram-blette. It had apple wood smoked bacon lardons, rosemary ham, green onions, and wild mushrooms in it. The dish came with a choice of white, rye, or multigrain fresh baked bread. I chose the multigrain and was really impressed with how large and thick of a slice was provided. There was also a side of herbed potatoes cooked in organic duck fat; they were some of the best potato wedges I have ever eaten!
I was leery to order a scrambled egg dish because it seems that most restaurants use milk in their scramble. Upon asking, our server informed me that they could make the scramble milk-free; how awesome is that!? She didn't act like it was an odd request at all and I appreciated her knowledge!!
Although we had a long wait to actually get in for breaky, we were all super impressed at how fast our food came to the table. The restaurant was full and bustling but our server still took time to stop and chat with us, make us feel welcome, and never appeared rushed.
Check our OEB's menu here, and I highly suggest you give it a try!
XO - Michelle
Friday, July 12, 2013
Friday Recipe Find - Lemon Dill Hummus
I have been on a real hummus kick lately! It's so tasty and I love to use it in place of mayo or as a dip. With the warm weather I was trying to think of a refreshing spin on regular hummus and instantly lemon dill came to mind. I hopped on over to Google to see what I could find... and find I did! This recipe hails from Oh She Glows, and I can't believe I haven't come across this blog before!!! I have been scouring the recipe section and will definitely be referencing it often!
I brought some of this hummus to a friend's house and everyone who has tried it has loved it!
Find the recipe on the Oh She Glows site here.
XO - Michelle
I brought some of this hummus to a friend's house and everyone who has tried it has loved it!
Find the recipe on the Oh She Glows site here.
XO - Michelle
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Pre-Trip Snack Plans
My friend Colton is getting married on Saturday in Calgary!!!
We have known each other since high school, and many a camping trip and Budweiser were shared by our group of friends. Lots of good memories.
I can't wait for this wedding, it's going to be so much fun to get together with a gang of old friends, some of whom are still my really close friends, and reminisce on the good times had by all, do some dancing, and eat some yummy food of course!
While I plan to eat what is provided/available for the most part, I wanted to bring a few things with me in case I'm stuck for a healthy snack. Luckily my friend Danielle is also a clean eater and we are traveling together - there will be no temptations in the vehicle... aka I love eating chips on a road trip, Danielle, please don't let this happen!!
Here are the things I am going to bring along:
Trail Mix Energy Squares
Earth's Own Almond Fresh "On The Go"
Maple Cinnamon Almonds
So not a ton of stuff, but enough to keep me going and hopefully prevent a trip to the food court if I'm famished while we're at the mall (New York Fries will be calling me name).
Calgary has a Planet Organic that I'm hoping to stop by at and stock up on wholesome goodness :) WOOHOOO!
XO - Michelle
We have known each other since high school, and many a camping trip and Budweiser were shared by our group of friends. Lots of good memories.
I can't wait for this wedding, it's going to be so much fun to get together with a gang of old friends, some of whom are still my really close friends, and reminisce on the good times had by all, do some dancing, and eat some yummy food of course!
While I plan to eat what is provided/available for the most part, I wanted to bring a few things with me in case I'm stuck for a healthy snack. Luckily my friend Danielle is also a clean eater and we are traveling together - there will be no temptations in the vehicle... aka I love eating chips on a road trip, Danielle, please don't let this happen!!
Here are the things I am going to bring along:
Trail Mix Energy Squares
Earth's Own Almond Fresh "On The Go"
Maple Cinnamon Almonds
So not a ton of stuff, but enough to keep me going and hopefully prevent a trip to the food court if I'm famished while we're at the mall (New York Fries will be calling me name).
Calgary has a Planet Organic that I'm hoping to stop by at and stock up on wholesome goodness :) WOOHOOO!
XO - Michelle
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
July 10 No Group Workout
Good Morning!
The girls and I discussed our workout plans last night and ended up cancelling for this week. Summer is just so busy, I actually think we're doing quite well as this is our first full on cancellation!
I've gotta say, this week has been a real drain so far. I had an insanely bad day at work yesterday and actually got bullied and insulted by my boss's wife/other boss's mother. I'm not going to get into the details but obviously it left me feeling pretty riled up and upset. After the emotional upheaval of the day, I thought for sure I would get a killer workout in and it would solve all my problems. BUT I went through three different workouts trying to find one and I could stick to and finish for the evening. I did a portion of Jillian Michaels, Skimble, and Nike Training Club before deciding to take myself for a walk. The walk was really pleasant, it was a beautiful evening, and I got home feeling nice and refreshed. When in doubt, take a walk :).
I must have been more exhausted from my day than I realized, because after talking to Cody I passed out with my makeup on, teeth un-brushed, wearing my workout clothes (including sports bra... ouch!) and slept straight through until 5 this morning. Just goes to show you what emotional trauma can do!
Today is a new day, so I'm just trying to let the negativity go and focus on all the amazing and happy things going on in my life!
Last week I decided to purchase three appointments with The Healthy Ginger. I've been following her blog for a while and really love her attitude towards living a healthy life... and she's a Registered Holistic Nutritionist! I am hoping she will have some insight into some of the low energy problems I've been having, along with some solutions for my face breaking out so often and why I can't eat leafy/raw veggies. Can't wait! I have to complete seven days worth of food/mood logging before we can get started so I started tracking yesterday.
As for tonight, I'll give working out another try and see how it goes!
XO - Michelle
The girls and I discussed our workout plans last night and ended up cancelling for this week. Summer is just so busy, I actually think we're doing quite well as this is our first full on cancellation!
I've gotta say, this week has been a real drain so far. I had an insanely bad day at work yesterday and actually got bullied and insulted by my boss's wife/other boss's mother. I'm not going to get into the details but obviously it left me feeling pretty riled up and upset. After the emotional upheaval of the day, I thought for sure I would get a killer workout in and it would solve all my problems. BUT I went through three different workouts trying to find one and I could stick to and finish for the evening. I did a portion of Jillian Michaels, Skimble, and Nike Training Club before deciding to take myself for a walk. The walk was really pleasant, it was a beautiful evening, and I got home feeling nice and refreshed. When in doubt, take a walk :).
I must have been more exhausted from my day than I realized, because after talking to Cody I passed out with my makeup on, teeth un-brushed, wearing my workout clothes (including sports bra... ouch!) and slept straight through until 5 this morning. Just goes to show you what emotional trauma can do!
Today is a new day, so I'm just trying to let the negativity go and focus on all the amazing and happy things going on in my life!
Last week I decided to purchase three appointments with The Healthy Ginger. I've been following her blog for a while and really love her attitude towards living a healthy life... and she's a Registered Holistic Nutritionist! I am hoping she will have some insight into some of the low energy problems I've been having, along with some solutions for my face breaking out so often and why I can't eat leafy/raw veggies. Can't wait! I have to complete seven days worth of food/mood logging before we can get started so I started tracking yesterday.
As for tonight, I'll give working out another try and see how it goes!
XO - Michelle
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Pre-Wedding Workout Plan
As mentioned last week, I need to make a plan and stick to it for the wedding.
I've done just that! My days are easily interchangeable, and you bet I will switch them around if I get an offer of some other activity one day! If I'm feeling tired, I decided that I can sub in either yoga or a big walk for that day. I'll check in with you weekly to see how it's going!!!
XO - Michelle
I've done just that! My days are easily interchangeable, and you bet I will switch them around if I get an offer of some other activity one day! If I'm feeling tired, I decided that I can sub in either yoga or a big walk for that day. I'll check in with you weekly to see how it's going!!!
XO - Michelle
Monday, July 8, 2013
Weekly Goals for July 7 - 13
I feel like I got a fair amount of wedding prep accomplished this weekend! Unfortunately my kitchen is now out of commission, where am I going to store all of this stuff!?!?
Coming up this weekend my friends and I are off to Calgary for a wedding so I will be focusing on keeping things really well balanced to make up for the travel!
Coming up this weekend my friends and I are off to Calgary for a wedding so I will be focusing on keeping things really well balanced to make up for the travel!
- Prepare some snacks for Calgary road trip
- Stick to new workout schedule
- Apple cider vinegar with dinner
- Early to bed!!!
- Work on wedding tasks for a little bit each day
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Recap of Weekly Goals For June 30 - July 6
Good Morning!
My day has started off wonderfully, and I hope yours has too! I woke up to sun streaming through my window, and nothing can beat that! My girlfriends had mentioned they were all going to hit the college track this morning for a workout, so I decided to participate in that mindset from home!
Since it was so nice out I obviously wanted some outside exercise! I used the 5 K Runner app on my phone and went out to snoop the neighborhood! It is so crazy quiet up here all the time! I hardly ever see anyone on my morning jaunts, and am just really hoping that I don't run into a bear at some point.
My walk/run was successful and I am now at home enjoying some Maple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes topped with coconut manna and pure maple syrup, and a Vega Recovery Accelerator drink in Tropical.
My friend is hosting brunch for a group of us, so I must go and make myself presentable!
Below is a recap of my goals from last week :)
- Clean clean clean eating as much as possible - I did decent on this but not full points. Ate out for dinner one night, had an emergency Amy's pizza, but didn't have junk or fast food! YAY!
- Continue with apple cider vinegar nightly with dinner - I missed a couple of these doses and wish I hadn't. My stomach definitely feels better when I'm drinking it... Good to know!
- Daily exercise; no calorie burn goals for this week, just to be active in some way every day - Finally a YES! Something active everyday, even if it was just a quick walk.
- Be in bed at 9:30 pm ready for sleep on Tues, Wed, and Thurs night... and as early as I can manage for the others- Big fat fail. But not for lack of trying! It was just sooo hot. I figured out the fan/window set up for optimum coolness so by the end of the week things were looking up.
- Complete at least two chapters of school work - Not two chapters, but 1. And I enjoyed every second of time I got to spend with my text books :)
- Mail out my thank you cards - Ummm... I'll do it tomorrow? Why is it such a big deal to stop at the mail box!?
- Don't get a sunburn - Woohoo! Check. This is usually a huge issue but I've been applying sunscreen daily to avoid any mishaps!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
A Plan For a Plan
Today marks 42 days until the wedding!!! I can't believe how fast it has suddenly crept up! I put together a list of to-do's yesterday, and while it isn't too extensive, I really want to chip away at it so there aren't too many tasks left as we get closer. I also really want to feel like I look my best!
While I've been getting consistent exercise, I still don't feel that I've made much of a dent in my goals. I'm very happy with my overall weight loss, but I can't say I've changed much in the past few months, even though I've been trying harder. It can be very frustrating and while I don't want to focus on it, the fact remains that I really want to see myself a certain way when I look in the mirror! I think the key will be to continue believing in the system, believing that I'm doing what's best for my body, and keep on pushing! I'm hopeful that my body will start responding soon.
I'm going to create a schedule for my workouts from now until wedding day, and try to follow it as exactly as possible! Expect a post on it soon :)
I'll leave you with this awesome Chipotle and Lime Hummus recipe that I tried last week, it is soooo delicious and a fun spin on regular hummus.
Enjoy your Saturday!!!
XO - Michelle
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Stamp from Etsy |
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How I want to wrap the bouquets |
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Our wedding arch!!! Except imagine summer scenery surrounding it :) |
While I've been getting consistent exercise, I still don't feel that I've made much of a dent in my goals. I'm very happy with my overall weight loss, but I can't say I've changed much in the past few months, even though I've been trying harder. It can be very frustrating and while I don't want to focus on it, the fact remains that I really want to see myself a certain way when I look in the mirror! I think the key will be to continue believing in the system, believing that I'm doing what's best for my body, and keep on pushing! I'm hopeful that my body will start responding soon.
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The beginning of my summer 2013 goal board, I am still checking in with it!!! |
I'll leave you with this awesome Chipotle and Lime Hummus recipe that I tried last week, it is soooo delicious and a fun spin on regular hummus.
Enjoy your Saturday!!!
XO - Michelle
Friday, July 5, 2013
Friday Recipe Find - Clean Eating Chicken Fingers
Friday Recipe Find for this week comes from Little B's Healthy Habits. Brittany's blog was one of the first that I started following when I decided to change my lifestyle, and this Clean Eating Chicken Fingers recipe was one of the first clean recipes I made, and is still one of my very favorites! Here is the link to her recipe.
XO - Michelle
XO - Michelle
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Product Love - Amy's No Cheese Pizza
Last night I got home late, by the time group workout and grocery shopping was done it was almost 8 PM! Even though I had just gone shopping and therefore had lots of food, I had a moment of food related panic... My house was hot, I was tired, the last thing I wanted to do was chop, create, and cook. That's when I remembered something glorious... I had an Amy's No Cheese Pizza (THAT'S RIGHT, NO CHEESE!) hidden in the back of my freezer for emergencies such as this!!!
I got it into the oven right away and saved myself from eating a bowl of popcorn or something totally random. It smelled delicious within minutes of baking and honestly tasted as good as it smelled. The pizza is topped with marinated organic shiitake mushrooms, roasted red peppers, sweet onions, and artichoke hearts. The crust is just how I like it, crispy on the edges and soft in the middle. In 10-12 minutes you have an amazing, cheese-less pizza that is a pretty decent option as a treat for a whole foods eater. I would not recommend eating this every night, but it's a great emergency or sometimes meal! It goes for $12.99 at my local Save-On so I only buy when it goes on sale for $9.99, another reason to not eat it too often!
Click here for full ingredients and nutritional values.
Happy Thursday!!!
XO - Michelle
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
July 3 Group Workout
I have been finalizing wedding cake and cupcake plans with Jenn from JJ's Custom Cakery, and now all I can think of is delicious, glorious cake. YUM. I must stay strong and not go to the farmers market this weekend to gorge... (she has a stand there). Group workout has come at the perfect time!!!
This week our friend Ali is home for a visit, so she was drafted to take a turn being the workout boss. We used her basement because it's so freaking hot here. We did a P90X yoga video and holy crap it was really effective! It was way longer than I normally workout for, and I was really sweaty by the end. I'm really curious about P90X and Insanity workouts, gotta try them one day...
I finished up this sauna of a day with some grocery shopping! I must admit I've reverted a bit to my teenage self and have been hiding out inside as much as possible these past few days! It's just so hot and it makes me feel cranky and sick, time to up the cuke intake! Today my mom lent me her cooler to get my chicken breasts home without cooking them in the car, I was running low on eats and have been bumming lunches at her house haha. At least I've been able to keep up with consuming clean food!
My indulgence of the week was dinner out to Pedal and Tap with my girlfriends last night! I had the delicious Pedal to the Meadow burger and enjoyed my meal and visit so much! My stomach definitely felt upset and bloated this morning though, so as an apology to it I'm going to try and stay very aware of my food choices and get everything balanced out again... if you know what I'm sayin' ;)
XO - Michelle
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Cool As a Cucumber
We are into the thick heat of summer, better late than never. I crave this time of year, and then when it comes I wonder why. I'm really not into being overly hot, sticky, and uncomfortable. I assumed that losing weight would help with this, and it has, but the feeling certainly hasn't alleviated much.
I've always had trouble dealing with the heat, my bod just doesn't seem to like it! When I was younger I would spend the hot summer days in my parents basement, and only spend time outside before 9 AM and after 5 PM.
Things have gotten better since those days, and I thought I would share with you my top two stay cool tips (as in body temp, not popularity):
XO - Michelle
I've always had trouble dealing with the heat, my bod just doesn't seem to like it! When I was younger I would spend the hot summer days in my parents basement, and only spend time outside before 9 AM and after 5 PM.
Things have gotten better since those days, and I thought I would share with you my top two stay cool tips (as in body temp, not popularity):
- Hydrate hydrate hydrate. Duh. But seriously, with water. I was just learning about hydration in school, and a lot of the beverages that people drink these days tend to actually further dehydrate their bodies. If you choose something sweet like juice (I'm talking refined, from the store juice; not juice you made in your juicer), for example, your body will pull extra water from your body to try and dilute the sugar. So try to stick with water or something like coconut water which has natural electrolytes.
- Eat cucumbers!!! My mom had heard this trick many years ago and urged me to try it out. Totally works. I try to incorporate about a 1/2 cucumber into my meals per day and it seriously keeps my body cooler, plus it's delicious! Try slicing up half a cuke and topping with some rice vinegar and a touch of olive oil. Perfecto.
XO - Michelle
Monday, July 1, 2013
Weekly Goals for June 30 - July 6
It's beautiful out! It's my friend Danielle's birthday! It's an extra day off! Yahoo!!!!
- Clean clean clean eating as much as possible
- Continue with apple cider vinegar nightly with dinner
- Daily exercise; no calorie burn goals for this week, just to be active in some way every day
- Be in bed at 9:30 pm ready for sleep on Tues, Wed, and Thurs night... and as early as I can manage for the others
- Complete at least two chapters of school work
- Mail out my thank you cards
- Don't get a sunburn
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